ways you can give and Join OUR Church mission
Followers of Christ believe everything is owned by God and we are simply stewards (managers) of God’s resources (Deut. 10:14 & Ps. 24:1). As we fulfill the call to be faithful managers we seek to direct our time, our talents and our treasures toward that which aligns with God’s will.
Followers of Christ trust that God has generously given us His son, Jesus, and through Him has already met our deepest need – a remedy for our separation from a holy God because of our sinfulness. In response to the gracious gift of God our spiritual disciplines include generosity and giving with a grateful heart (2 Cor. 9:6-7).
God’s design since the covenant first established with Abraham (Gen. 12:2) is that as we experience blessing we seek to be a blessing to those around us.
As mentioned above, we have opportunity to give our time as we selflessly offer to come alongside needs of those around us in our community. In so doing we seek to share the love of Christ. Disciples of Jesus also share their talents and specific skills as part of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:15-26). We also give financially by giving a portion of our treasures in our tithes and offerings.
The tithe was established in the Old Testament (Lev. 27:30-34, Mal. 3:8-12), its literal meaning is “a tenth.” As New Testament believers it is not an obligation to give 10% but we believe that it is God-ordained target. There is a strong biblical foundation for learning to live more simply and growing to give more and more generously. The result of generosity in one’s life is the cultivation of a heart of gratitude and ever-greater freedom and blessing.
In Person
Cash or cheque
Offering can be dropped off during office hours, or in the mail slot. Envelopes are available in the chair pockets
Easy & direct
It’s convenient and can be done anytime and anywhere.
Send an electronic transfer from your bank account to donations@rezchurch.ca
By Mail
Mail a cheque:
5601 Enevold Drive, Camrose, AB, T4V 4N4.
*Make it out to
“Resurrection Lutheran."
**If you wish to give to a specific fund, please make a note on the memo line.
All financial gifts will receive an end-of-year tax receipt.
For questions about your gift, please contact the congregation’s treasurer: treasurer@rezchurch.ca
All financial gifts will receive an end-of-year tax receipt.
For questions about your gift, please contact the congregation’s treasurer: treasurer@rezchurch.ca